Sunday, 9 October 2011

It's Sunday!

I have had a SUPER busy week, like SO busy i've hardly had time to even sit down at my computer - so i've been missing my usual blog catch-ups, but i've now finally got a couple of hours to sit down and indulge.

And I have those couple of hours because......i've FINALLY got my xmas cake in the oven! I used THIS recipe, which is the same one I used last year, but with a few tweaks this time, I added a little extra dash of our 2010 vintage Damson Gin to macerate the fruit (I also left this 24hrs overnight) and i've also added pecan nuts - so fingers crossed it works out just as scrummy as last year!  

Some points about making a fruit cake: (1) you need a REALLY BIG bowl to mix this in.  (2) You will have what seems to be WAAAY too much fruit for what will seem a small amount of cake mix - just keep mixin baby - it will get there in the end. (3) You must, must, must wrap it up good with lots of layers or else it WILL burn. (4) You must make this a few months in advance to give yourself lots of "feeding" time - the boozier the better I say!

Yesterday, my friend Chris and I checked out the very first Renegade London Craft Fair - lots of fun handmade things to look at, but disappointingly a large amount of stalls were held by American traders who had come over especially - which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I just thought there would be more talent in London/England to promote?

We also checked out the new Blitz Vintage Department Store which is basically just a massive building filled to the rafters with vintage clothes, shoes, furniture etc etc...

We had heard a lot of good things about Cay Tre vietnamese, so making the most of being in the East we decided to try it out for dinner.  I'm sorry to report that I didn't find Cay Tre very mind-blowing at all.  Perhaps we ordered the wrong dishes(?) - which I might add the menu we had last night was VERY different to the one on their website, so I really didn't get why there is always a massive queue to get into this place.

Luckily, to cheer me up, I discovered this amazing video (thanks Gourmet Chick for tweeting) and this documentary about The Ship Song Project.  If you're Australian, watching these will give you goosebumps, for everyone else, i'm not sure if you'll "get" it, but I hope you enjoy it all the same :)

Hoping this week goes REALLY fast to get my hands on one of these on Friday!

AND Crossing fingers I get my camera back from the Camera Doctor this week - I miss not being able to take fun photo's :(

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